Who is Shaykh Abu ‘Iyād Amjad Rafiq?

SalafiPubs’s defenders also point out that the opus of the du‘āt to-date speaks for itself. As mentioned in a previous article,[1] it was Dr Abu ‘Iyād Amjad Rafiq’s [and Abu Talhah Dawūd Burbank’s] translations of refutations (rudūd) of hybridised and hyphenated versions of Salafiyyah—refutations which were written by some senior Salafi scholars of the time, such as Shaykh Muqbil (Allah have mercy on him), Shaykh al-Albānī (Allah have mercy on him) and Shaykh Rabee’ (Allah preserve him), which were the lynchpin in giving English-speaking Salafis in the UK and globally the clarification they needed to discern true Salafiyyah from hybridised versions ascribed to it. Further, it was also Shaykh Abu ‘Iyād Amjad Rafiq’s ability to harness digital spaces in the emerging internet revolution which gave strength to Salafism as a global English-language Islamic revivalist group.

Hence, today—in 2024, Shaykh Dr Abu ‘Iyād Amjad Rafiq is the webmaster of approximately 40 Salafi websites which he created over the years and are accessible via the SalafiPublications.com and Salaf.com portal.[2]

Recently, however, these sites have been superseded by his more up-to-date website AbuIyaad.com[3] which offers benefits in both the Religion and worldly affairs backed by the statements of the Scholars (past and present) on a range of contemporary issues. Apart from this, not only is he a renowned lecturer within Salafi circles locally and globally, but Shaykh Amjad Rafiq has also authored of dozens of books on matters related to Creed, Islam for non-Muslims, in defense of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)—especially in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, and books on Islam’s perspective on Atheism. Shaykh Dr Abu ‘Iyād has also utilised his expertise in the field of biological science[4] and has written many articles on issues related to health, Islam, and Prophetic medicine.[5]

[1] See author’s (2023) article: The Emergence of Salafism for a history of contemporary Salafism in the UK. Source: researchingsalafism.com.

[2] Abu Iyād Amjad Rafiq is webmaster of sites such as: TheNobleQuran.com; SahihalBukhari.com; SahihMuslim.com; Nawawis40Hadith.com; Aqidah.com; TawhidFirst.com; AboveTheThrone.com; ProphetMuhammad.name; IslamMoses.com; IslamJesus.ws; Manhaj.com; Salafis.com; Takfiris.com; Ikhwanis.com; Ikhwanis.com; IslamAgainstExtremism.com; TheMadkhalis.com; AboutAtheism.net; FiqhOnline.com; Dajaal.com; IbnTaymiyyah.com; Shariah.ws; Islam4Kids.com; PiousMuslim.com; AlHajuri.com; Madinah.org; Sunnah.TV; SalafiEbooks.com; Bidah.com; Kharjites.com; Asharis.com; Mutazilah.com; Shia.BS; Barelwis.com; SayyidQutb.com; Nabhani.com; BinBaz.co.uk; Albani.co.uk; BinUthaymin.co.uk; Rabee.co.uk; Fawzan.co.uk; Muqbil.co.uk; Ubayd.co.uk.

[3] www.abuiyaad.com

[4] Rafiq completed his PhD entitled: A Study of Some Proteases from the Camel Pancreas at the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex in September 1997.

[5] See Abu Iyād Amjad Rafiq’s website: healthymuslim.com

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