Weekend Islamic Studies Course for Females Aged 9+ (IGCSE format)
Online Islamic Studies course for females age 9+ Weekend class with female tutor, Dr Naheed Anwar. Ideal for those busy with school or work. Applications are now open. Limited places.
Days: Every Saturday, inshā’-Allāh, and you can enrol at any time.
Time: 1 pm to 2 pm (UK time), please adjust to your local time.
WhatsApp: +447921023041 for more details
Or email: DrNaheedAnwar@researchingsalafism.com
Join Our Tarbiyah Course For Girls For 1-Hour Every Saturday: Living as a Muslim in Today’s World!

📆 Course Start Date: 14th September, 2024

1. The Course
The Living as a Muslim in Today’s World tarbiyah course has been designed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of Islam in historical and contemporary contexts through a range of key topics and the texts of both the Qur’an and Hadith. It will enable students to develop their skills of analysis and interpretation in the context of questions and issues that affect Islam and the lives of Muslims today.
There’ll be time to ask Dr Umm Abdillāh Naheed questions during and after each lesson―and they’ll be set homework each week, and if they submit it, it’ll be marked, inshā’-Allāh.
Students are accepted from all over the world and can enrol at any time. Whenever you step in, you’ll benefit, inshā’-Allāh.
This three year course is taught at a pace conducive to the level and age of younger students in the class and serves as an excellent foundation for those who wish to pursue the more intensive two year International GCSE course with Dr Umm Abdillāh Naheed, or the Advanced Level Islamic Studies course with Abu Khadeejah in the future, inshā’-Allāh.
This course is ideal for females aged 9 to 17 years old.
The course content has been created by Abu Khadeejah ʿAbdul-Wāhid, and includes hundreds of pages of study notes with new content being added weekly—all praise is for Allāh, and may Allāh bless it.
2. When Can I Begin?
When can I register? Any time through the year (with 3 months payment).
Course start date: September to December of each year.
Payment: Every 3 months in advance until course completion (3 academic years) or for the whole year in advance.
3. The Course Duration
⏰ This 60-minute class will take place on the weekend (Saturday 1 pm BST, UK time) and is scheduled to benefit those busy at school, college, or work during the week. The time of the lesson has been set to suit as many time zones as possible, inshā’-Allāh. There will be 40 of these lessons per annum over three terms, broadly following British and US school term times. That means vacations throughout the year (including ʿEids). Course duration is three years BUT you can start and finish, join and re-join at any time. Lessons are prepared as “stand-alone” so you can enrol and join anytime and still understand the subject.
The cost of each weekly class is £12.50. This includes marked homework for those who choose to do it (it is not mandatory). Two or more pupils from the immediate family: £10 each.
4. Syllabus Overview
Below is a glimpse of some of the 200+ topics that will be covered, inshā’-Allāh:
Introduction to Islam, God (Allah), His Prophet and the Pre-Decree
- Allah the Lord of Creation, the Unique
- Risālah, The Message that was Communicated from Allah to Mankind
- Worldly Life, the Life of the Grave, and the Hereafter
- The Qur’an and its Compilation
- Hadeeth and Sunnah
- The Life of the Prophet in Makkah an Introduction
- The Risalah (Message)
- The Early Years: The Prophet Muhammad in Makkah, the Idols, Society & the Hanifs
- Life of Muhammad: Death of Khadeejah & Abu Talib
- The Migrations to Ethiopia and Madinah
- Muhammad in Madinah
- Shariah Law and its Place in Islam
- The Differences Between the People of Sunnah and the Shi’ah: Two Religions
- Introduction to the Five Pillars
- The Shahada and its Conditions
- The Daily Prayers of a Muslim and Ablutions
Islamic Faith, Morality and Ethics
- Shariah Law and its Place in Islam
- The Sanctity of Life and the Creation of Adam
- Abortion and its Ruling in Islam
- Resuscitation, Euthanasia, and the Right to Die
- Genetic Engineering and Islam
- Beliefs about Life After Death & How it Influences Human Behaviour
- Caring for the Muslim Community (Ummah) and Those Around You
- The Ummah Today: Characteristics of ‘Less Economically Developed Countries’ (LEDCs)
- The Causes of Poverty in Light of Climate Change and Other Factors
- The Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) final acts and his achievements
- Allah, The Lord of Creation, The Unique

5. Course fees
The first 3-month payment should be made immediately upon application.
The fee: £150 (GBP) for three months per student (based on 4 hours per month), to be paid in advance. If you enrol siblings, this cost comes down to just £120 per student!
Payments are taken every three months or once a year:
Three months (covering 12 lessons): GB Pounds £150
For the whole year (covering 40 lessons): GB Pounds £500
You can also pay in US Dollars:
For 12 lessons (3 months): $195
For 40 lessons (12 months): $635
See below for how to pay.
IMPORTANT: Please add the student’s name alongside your payment—that allows us to track the source of all payments. Email us a screenshot (or by WhatsApp) once you have made the payment as confirmation that it has been received from our side. Please remember that there are no refunds offered once you’ve enrolled and paid. So, make sure this course is for you! May Allah bless you.
NOTE: You can leave the course at any time you choose without penalty (or hard feelings) but let us know at least one week before the next payment is due. Once the fee is paid, no refund will be given, so it would be advisable to complete the lessons for that period.
If you are unwell, busy at work or on holiday, the fees will not be refunded, nor carried over into the next month or months. We will expect students to catch up on any missed work—and they are welcome to contact us via WhatsApp or email if they need any help.
You will not be charged during term or half-term holidays or for teacher absences. So, you only pay for the actual lessons.
Places are limited so early application is advised.
6. Online Classroom: How it Works
Live interactive online audio classes with a female tutor, Dr. Umm Abdillāh Naheed
See below for further details.
7. Application Form and Fee Payment
If you are interested complete the form below:
📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form:
After filling in the Application (Agreement) Form, follow the payment links below.
8. Methods of Secure Payment
Please pay straight after submitting the Application (Agreement) Form otherwise you will not be enrolled in the course.
GP Pounds: £150 for 3 months (12 lessons) or £500 for the year (40 lessons).
US Dollars: $195 for 3 months (12 lessons) or $635 for the year (40 lessons).
💷 If you have a UK BANK ACCOUNT, you can pay by bank transfer:
Account number: 68068972
Sort code: 04-29-09
➡️ Please add the student’s name and ‘9+’ when paying (e.g.,Aisha Smith/9+)
Please email us after you have made payment: drnaheedanwar@researching.com
If you have any further questions, please WhatsApp us:
More information:
Please follow the link for more information on: Islamic Studies Course for Boys 9+.