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Tarbiyah Class: Living as a Muslim Woman in Today’s World

Online Islamic Studies course for females age 9+. Weekend class with female tutor, Dr Naheed Anwar. Ideal for those busy with school or work. Applications are now open. Limited places.

Day: Saturdays, inshā’-Allāh
Time: 1pm to 2pm (UK time) please check what this is in your location.

WhatsApp: +447921023041 for more details
Or email:

The Course

A glimpse of some the study-notes that accompany each lesson.

The Living as a Muslim in Today’s World tarbiyah course has been designed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of Islam in historical and contemporary contexts through a range of key topics and the texts of both the Qur’an and Hadith. It will enable students to develop their skills of analysis and interpretation in the context of questions and issues that affect Islam and the lives of Muslims today.

This is a basic level open-ended course suitable for female students of age 9+. It is also an excellent foundation for those who wish to take the IGCSE or A level Islamic Studies course in the future.

This 60-minute class will take place on the weekend (Saturday 1 pm BST, UK time) and is scheduled to benefit those busy at school, college, or work during the week. The time of the lesson has been set to suit as many time zones as possible, inshā’-Allāh.

The cost of each weekly class is £12.50. This includes marked homework for those who choose to do it (it is not mandatory). Two or more pupils from the immediate family: £10 each.


This is an open-ended course with new topics being added weekly.

Syllabus Overview

Below is a glimpse of some of the 200+ topics that will be covered, inshā’-Allāh:

1. Introduction to Islam, God (Allah), His Prophet and the Pre-Decree

  • Allah the Lord of Creation, the Unique
  • Risālah, The Message that was Communicated from Allah to Mankind
  • Worldly Life, the Life of the Grave, and the Hereafter
  • The Qur’an and its Compilation
  • Hadeeth and Sunnah
  • The Life of the Prophet in Makkah an Introduction
  • The Risalah (Message)
  • The Early Years: The Prophet Muhammad in Makkah, the Idols, Society & the Hanifs
  • Life of Muhammad: Death of Khadeejah & Abu Talib
  • The Migrations to Ethiopia and Madinah
  • Muhammad in Madinah
  • Shariah Law and its Place in Islam
  • The Differences Between the People of Sunnah and the Shi’ah: Two Religions
  • Introduction to the Five Pillars
  • The Shahada and its Conditions
  • The Daily Prayers of a Muslim and Ablutions

2. Islamic Faith, Morality and Ethics

  • Shariah Law and its Place in Islam
  • The Sanctity of Life and the Creation of Adam
  • Abortion and its Ruling in Islam
  • Resuscitation, Euthanasia, and the Right to Die
  • Genetic Engineering and Islam
  • Beliefs about Life After Death & How it Influences Human Behaviour
  • Caring for the Muslim Community (Ummah) and Those Around You
  • The Ummah Today: Characteristics of ‘Less Economically Developed Countries’ (LEDCs)
  • The Causes of Poverty in Light of Climate Change and Other Factors
  • The Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) final acts and his achievements
  • Allah, The Lord of Creation, The Unique

📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form for ‘Living as a Muslim in Today’s World 9+ → HERE

More information:

Please visit for more information on: Islamic Studies Course for Boys 9+.


Islamic Studies: International General Certificate of Secondary Education IGCSE

The online Islamic Studies lnternational General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) course is ideal for females aged 14-16 years (exam optional). Applications for younger students and mature students 16+ are also welcome. Applications for September 2024 are now open. Limited places.

Day: Sundays, inshā’-Allāh
Time: 11am to 1pm (UK time) please check what this is in your location

WhatsApp: +447921023041 for more details
Or email:

Course Start Date

Early September, 2024. Students who join later in the year need not worry as each topic is taught in rotation in preparation for next suitable exam sitting.

Course Specification

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Islamic Studies (4IS1). This is an internationally recognised qualification (for whoever passes the exam).

The Course

A glimpse of some the study-notes that accompany each lesson.

The online International GCSE in Islamic Studies is an intermediary-level course ideal for female students aged 14-16 years (exam optional). It is also an excellent foundation for those who wish to take the online A-level Islamic Studies course in the future.

The cost of each weekly 2 hour class is £30. This includes marked homework for those who choose to do it (it is not mandatory for those not taking the exam).

Syllabus Overview

The International GCSE in Islamic Studies is designed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of Islam in historical and contemporary contexts, through a range of key topics and the texts of both the Qur’an and Hadith. It will enable students to develop their skills of analysis and interpretation, in the context of questions and issues that affect Islam and the lives of Muslims today.

The course is divided into three key sections:

1. The life, teachings and achievements of the Prophet Muhammad

  • The Personal Aspects of the Prophet’s Life
  • The Revelation of the Qur’an
  • The Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)
  • Opposition and Hijrah
  • The Sunnah of the Prophet
  • Teachings & Examples of the Prophet on Specific Issues of Justice & Equality
  • Battles Fought by the Prophet
  • The Prophet’s Final Acts and his Achievements

2. The key beliefs, practices and features of the early Muslim community founded by the Prophet

  • The Nature of Belief in Allah
  • Risālah
  • The Holy Books of Islam
  • Al-Qadr
  • Akhirah
  • Malaikah
  • Shari’ah
  • Islamic Etiquette, Attitude and Manners
  • The Early Muslim Leaders of the Muslim Community

3. Living the Muslim life today.

  • Shahāda
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Zakah and Khums
  • Hajj
  • Jihād
  • Islamic Festivals
  • Marriage and Family
  • Muslim Citizenship & Religious and Political Leadership

This course will be taught from the perspective of ahl al- Sunnah wal-Jamāʿah following in that the methodology and traditions of the early ahl al-Ḥadīth scholars. Nothing is taken for granted―every aspect of the syllabus will be studied critically.

Previous knowledge

Previous knowledge of Islam is not a requirement to join this course (as stated by Edexcel in their syllabus).

About this specification

This specification includes the following key features:


The Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Islamic Studies is a linear qualification. It consists of one examination taken at the end of the course of study.


The content is relevant, engaging and up-to-date.


One examination with questions designed to differentiate students of all abilities.


Independent learning, critical-thinking skills, historical and contemporary issues.

Qualification aims and objectives

The aims and objectives of this qualification are to:

  • develop students’ knowledge and develop understanding of the religion, history, and culture of Islam, and to engage with questions concerning contemporary and historical issues within Islam
  • develop students’ ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced, and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of Islamic Studies
  • understand the influence of factors previously and currently affecting individuals, communities, and societies
  • challenge students to reflect on and develop their own understanding of what they have learned and contribute to their preparation for adult life in a global community.

Exam Entry

Candidates will be responsible for submitting entry for exams at the relevant exam centres locally or internationally.

You should research whether you are able to reach an examination centre before enrolling on this course.

If you’re still interested in studying and taking the exam, then please read the Edexcel Islamic Studies Syllabus[2] thoroughly as this course will require commitment.

*The course is still available to those who do not wish to take the exam at the end.


Places are limited so early application is advised.


Two academic years—two hours per week, loosely following UK school academic year.

📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form for the ‘IGCSE Islamic Studies’ Course → HERE

More information:

Please visit for more information on: A Level Islamic Studies Course for males and females.


Foundational Studies: Understanding Islam

The online Understanding Islam Foundational Studies open-ended course for women taught by female tutor, Dr Naheed Anwar is ideal for new Muslims or newly practising Muslims. Applications for this new course are now being accepted. Limited places.

Please note: Only applications from those new to Islam will be accepted.

Course Start Date

The Course will start on July 6th, 2024*.

Day: Saturdays, inshā’-Allāh*
Time: 11am-12pm*

*Date, day and time are subject to change depending on what is most conducive for students.

WhatsApp: +447921023041 for more details
Or email:

The Course

A glimpse of some of the study-notes that accompany each lesson.

The online Understanding Islam Foundational Studies open-ended course has been designed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of Islam in historical and contemporary contexts through a range of key topics and the texts of both the Qur’an and Hadith. It will enable students to develop their skills of analysis and interpretation in the context of questions and issues that affect Islam and the lives of Muslims today.

This foundational course suitable is for adult female students (younger students should apply for the Living as a Muslim in the World Today Course). It is also an excellent basis for those who wish to take the IGCSE or A level Islamic Studies course in the future.

The course content has been created by Shaikh Abu Khadeejah ʿAbdul-Wāhid and includes 200+ lessons with new content being added weekly—and all praise is for Allāh, may Allāh bless it.

This 60-minute class will take place on the weekend (Saturday 11am BST, UK time)[1]. The time of the lesson has been set to suit as many time zones as possible, inshā’-Allāh.


This is an open-ended course with new topics being added weekly.

The cost of each weekly class is £12.50. This includes marked homework for those who choose to do it (it is not mandatory).

Syllabus Overview

Below is a glimpse of some of the 200+ topics that will be covered in this open-ended course, inshā’-Allāh:

1. Introduction to Islam, God (Allah), His Prophet and the Pre-Decree

  • Allah the Lord of Creation, the Unique
  • Risālah, The Message that was Communicated from Allah to Mankind
  • Worldly Life, the Life of the Grave, and the Hereafter
  • The Qur’an and its Compilation
  • Hadeeth and Sunnah
  • The Life of the Prophet (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) in Makkah an Introduction
  • The Risalah (Message)
  • The Early Years: The Prophet Muhammad in Makkah, the Idols, Society & the Hanifs
  • Life of Muhammad: Death of Khadeejah & Abu Talib
  • The Migrations to Ethiopia and Madinah
  • Muhammad in Madinah
  • The Differences Between the People of Sunnah and the Shi’ah: Two Religions
  • Introduction to the Five Pillars
  • The Shahada and its Conditions
  • The Daily Prayers of a Muslim and Ablutions

2. Islamic Faith, Morality and Ethics

  • Purpose of Life & Justice
  • Law and its Place in Islam
  • The Sanctity of Life and the Creation of Adam
  • Abortion and its Ruling in Islam
  • Resuscitation, Euthanasia, and the Right to Die
  • Genetic Engineering and Islam
  • Beliefs about Life After Death & How it Influences Human Behaviour
  • Caring for the Muslim Community (Ummah) and Those Around You
  • The Ummah Today: Characteristics of ‘Less Economically Developed Countries’ (LEDCs)
  • The Causes of Poverty in Light of Climate Change and Other Factors
  • The Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) final acts and his achievements
  • Allah, The Lord of Creation, The Unique

3. Living a Muslim Life in the World Today

  • The Rights of the Parents
  • Stories of the Female Companions
  • Halal & Haram
  • The Dangers of Social Media
  • Truthfulness
  • Repentance
  • Perseverance and Patience
  • The Correct Hijab
  • Rituals of Purification
  • Signs of a Hypocrite
  • Alcohol and Intoxicants
  • Marriage
  • Polygyny
  • Divorce and Remarriage
  • Arranged Marriages
  • Forced Marriages
  • Sexual Relations Outside of Marriage
  • The Family
  • Fertility Issues and Contraception
  • Children & the Elderly
  • Birth Ceremonies
  • Funeral Ceremonies
  • Death
  • Muslims Living as Minorities in the West
  • Muslim Leadership Around the World …

📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form for the ‘Understanding Islam’ Course → HERE

Method of Teaching

Live interactive online audio classes with a female tutor, Dr. Umm Abdillah Naheed Anwar

1. Gmail: Students will need a Gmail (Google email) account. Once you’ve set it up, please email me from the Gmail account with your full name.

2. Lesson Format: I intend to use “Google Meet” and “Google Classroom” to conduct the classes. Please take time to familiarise yourselves with both. Don’t worry too much if you cannot grasp it immediately, I will help you along.

3. Assignments: If you choose to do them, assignments will be submitted via Google Classroom.

4. Computer: Students will need to have regular access to a laptop or desktop computer for use in lessons and for submitting assignments. Students must be in a quiet space free from distractions.

5. Headphones: are mandatory so that my voice is heard by the student only. I will not accept the excuse that there are just women in the room or that earphones are unavailable/broken. If this happens, I will ask the student to leave the lesson until they have earphones/headphones.

6. Camera: Students need a camera so I can check they are engaged and paying attention to the lesson; this is also mandatory. If the camera is not switched on students will not be permitted into the lesson.

7. Questions: Students will be able to communicate with me and ask questions relevant to the class during and after the lesson (within an allotted time).  Students will also have access to me via WhatsApp for occasional questions and clarifications (inshā’-Allāh). Any questions I am unable to answer I will forward to Shaikh Abu Khadeejah and although I cannot always guarantee a response, I will try my best whenever possible to get one. Parents of younger students are welcome to access and view these conversations. 

8. Language: All lessons will be conducted in English, so Arabic is not a requirement.

9. Homework and assessments: Students will be assigned weekly homework tasks for all the courses on offer (to be uploaded onto online classroom) which students/parents must ensure are completed regularly to ensure progress.

10. There are no audio-recordings available for those who miss a lesson. However, each lesson is coupled with comprehensive study-notes/worksheets which are available to the student in the materials section of the Google Classroom.

11. Stay in Touch with me: Students can WhatsApp me directly or use the online classroom function (or email) if they need to contact me for any reason.

12. Online Parents meeting: Students/Parents may request an online meeting to discuss their child’s progress once per term if required.

Application (and Agreement) Form

If you are interested in any of the courses listed above, please ensure you have read carefully all of the details above before completing and returning the application form via the email provided:

📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form for ‘Living as a Muslim in Today’s World 9+ → HERE

📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form for the ‘IGCSE Islamic Studies’ Course → HERE

📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form for the ‘Understanding Islam’ Course → HERE

After filling in the Application (Agreement) Form, either follow the payment link on the form or follow instructions below. Please also send us a screenshot once payment has been made so that we can acknowledge the completion of the registration process without delay.

Method of Payment for all Courses

The first 3-month payment should be made immediately upon applying. Subsequent payments should be made at least 7-days before each three-month session begins. You will be notified when the payment is due. Any delay in payment may result in denial of access to the classes. You will not be charged for holidays or tutor absences. If I am travelling or occupied, I will re-arrange the class day/time to one that is still over the weekend (Saturday/Sunday), inshā’-Allāh.

Please add the student’s name and the reference (e.g., Aisha Smith/IS9+ or Aisha Smith/IGCSE or Aisha Smith/Course3) alongside your payment—that allows us to track the source of all payments. Please also send us a screenshot once payment has been made. You can save your payment receipts directly when you pay, so will not require a separate receipt from us. We accept payments from all over the world. Note there are no refunds for student absences, but students can leave the course at any time—so if you decide to leave, it makes sense to leave at the end of three months to make the most of your paid course because there will be no refunds once payment is made.

This is the best method of payment for overseas students incurring zero fees: Just follow this link and pay by debit card:

For UK students please use the payment details below:

Account number: 68068972
Sort code: 04-29-09

Beneficiary address: 71-75 Shelton Street,
Covent Garden, WC2H 9JQ, London, UK.
Bank: Revolut Ltd
Bank address: 7 Westferry Circus, E14 4HD, London, UK

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

[1] The day and time of the class may be altered at the lecturer’s discretion with one month’s notice. Note that a class may be cancelled/re-arranged with 24-hour notice (and less in cases of emergency) without any cost to pupils—and the lesson made up over subsequent weeks.
