Shaykh Abu Uwais Battles Qutubism

Salafi groups worldwide experienced intergroup conflict over theological differences and many found themselves tasked in their respective roles and locations in the battle against a Qutubist domination in the West. In the USA, one such individual was the late Shaykh Abu Uwais Abdullah Ahmed Ali (may Allah’s mercy be upon him)—a pioneer of the Salafi Daʿwah in the region who is largely remembered for delivering ‘a series of scathing lectures against the influences of the Qutubis, such as Ali Tamīmī’ back in 1997 (discussed in a separate article).[1] Described by his peers as brave and courageous in facing the opposition from ‘the mukhālifīn (opposers) such as the hizbī (partisan), mubtadiʿ (innovator), Abu Muslimah’. Fellow duʿāt also acknowledge that skirmishes fought by Abu Uwais were pivotal to the clarification, solidification, and consolidation of the Salafi Daʿwah in the US at a time when issues of creed and methodology were vague.

[1] Abdul-Wāhid 2013a: 2.

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