Islamic Studies: International General Certificate of Secondary Education IGCSE
The online Islamic Studies lnternational General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) course is ideal for females aged 14-16 years (exam optional). Applications for younger students and mature students 16+ are also welcome. Applications for September 2024 are now open. Limited places.
Days: Sundays, inshā’-Allāh, and you can enrol at any time.
Time: 11 am to 1 pm (UK time), please adjust to your local time.
WhatsApp: +447921023041 for more details
Or email:

📆 Course Start Date: 15th September, 2024.

1. The Course
The online International GCSE in Islamic Studies is an intermediary-level course ideal for female students aged 14-16 years (exam optional). It is also an excellent foundation for those who wish to take the online A-level Islamic Studies course in the future.
If you’ve always wanted to study Islam formally in a structured manner (in English), then this is the ideal course for you. You do not have to do the exam at the end of the two years, but if you do, it is a qualification that is recognised by every college and university worldwide. Furthermore, this course is adapted and material produced by Shaikh Abu Khadeejah in light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah, and the understanding of the early Muslim scholars (Salaf).
It is unique with no equivalent in the English language that we know of. Shaikh Abu Khadeejah has prepared hundreds of pages of study materials to which you will have access.
These are interactive online audio classes conducted via the Google Classroom platform. The lesson style is personal and friendly, and there is plenty of opportunity to ask and answer questions.
Question: Can students enrol on Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Islamic Studies course at any time throughout the year?
Answer: We have decided that whoever wishes to join us can do so at any time between September and December of each academic year. We have designed each week as a stand-alone lesson which means that previous knowledge is not essential (though it may be helpful). This course is open to women only, and the fees are reasonable considering the extensive content and bespoke study notes.

2. When Can I Begin?
When can I register? Any time through the year (with 3 months payment).
Course start date: September to December of each year.
Payment: Every 3 months in advance until course completion (2 academic years) or for the whole year in advance.
The IGCSE course consists of three key sections and one exam paper only that is normally taken by students at the end of the two-year course.
Our students are not required to take the exam if they choose not to. However, if you sit the IGCSE exam, the awarding body is the Edexcel Exam Board. This course covers dozens of subjects and topics spanning hundreds of pages of study notes. Each year, Dr Umm Abdillāh Naheed teaches the course and has arranged the subjects in such a manner that she can take on a new cohort of students every September for a period of two years, during which they will complete every topic in all three key sections in that time, inshā’-Allāh.
So, in Year 1, she ordinarily teaches Section A and half of Section B, and in Year 2, she teaches the remaining half of section B and Section C. So, it does not matter in which year you join ― as long as you stay the full two years you will have completed all three key sections. Furthermore, even if you do not sit the exam, but have completed 80% of the homework, Dr Umm Abdillāh Naheed will issue you a certificate of completion and success which will be approved by Shaikh Abu Khadeejah, as long as you are a person of Sunnah and can provide a Salafi character reference.
3. Course Specification
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Islamic Studies (4IS1). This is an internationally recognised qualification (for whoever passes the exam).
4. The Course Duration
⏰ This 2-hour class [with a short 10 minute break in between] takes place every Sunday between 11 am and 1 pm (UK time). There will be 40 of these lessons per annum over three terms, broadly following British and US school term times. That means vacations throughout the year (including ʿEids). Course duration is two years beginning in the second week of September every year.
5. Course Lecturer
Dr Umm Abdillāh (Naheed Anwar), BA Hons., MA, PhD.
6. Course Name
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Islamic Studies (4IS1). This is an internationally recognised qualification (for whoever passes the exam).
7. Syllabus Overview
The International GCSE in Islamic Studies is designed to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of Islam in historical and contemporary contexts, through a range of key topics and the texts of both the Qur’an and Hadith. It will enable students to develop their skills of analysis and interpretation, in the context of questions and issues that affect Islam and the lives of Muslims today.
About this specification
This specification includes the following key features:
The Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Islamic Studies is a linear qualification. It consists of one examination with questions designed to differentiate students of all abilities to be taken at the end of the course of study. The content is relevant, engaging and up-to-date. The course is structured to encourage independent learning, critical-thinking skills, historical and contemporary issues.
Qualification aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of this qualification are to:
- develop students’ knowledge and develop understanding of the religion, history, and culture of Islam, and to engage with questions concerning contemporary and historical issues within Islam
- develop students’ ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced, and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of Islamic Studies
- understand the influence of factors previously and currently affecting individuals, communities, and societies
- challenge students to reflect on and develop their own understanding of what they have learned and contribute to their preparation for adult life in a global community.
The Course is divided into three key sections
Section A: The life, teachings and achievements of the Prophet Muhammad
- The Personal Aspects of the Prophet’s Life
- The Revelation of the Qur’an
- The Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)
- Opposition and Hijrah
- The Sunnah of the Prophet
- Teachings & Examples of the Prophet on Specific Issues of Justice & Equality
- Battles Fought by the Prophet
- The Prophet’s Final Acts and his Achievements
Section B: The key beliefs, practices and features of the early Muslim community founded by the Prophet
- The Nature of Belief in Allah
- Risālah
- The Holy Books of Islam
- Al-Qadr
- Akhirah
- Malaikah
- Shari’ah
- Islamic Etiquette, Attitude and Manners
- The Early Muslim Leaders of the Muslim Community
Section C: Living the Muslim life today
- Shahāda
- Salah
- Sawm
- Zakah and Khums
- Hajj
- Jihād
- Islamic Festivals
- Marriage and Family
- Muslim Citizenship & Religious and Political Leadership
8. Overview of how you will be Studying the Course
Inshā’-Allāh, we intend to teach this course from the perspective of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamāʿah (The People of Sunnah and the Main Body, i.e., those who follow the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and cling to the path of his noble Companions, may Allah be pleased with them) following in that the methodology and traditions of the early Ahlul-Ḥadīth scholars: The People of Ḥadīth adhere to the narrations authentically reported from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companions―and regard that to be more important than the individual opinions of those who came in later times. We intend to take nothing for granted―every aspect of the syllabus will be studied critically. Students will be taught to analyse texts, theories and assumptions of various Islamic orientations and compare them to the Creed, Methodology and Fiqh (Jurisprudence) of the early scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah, Ahlul-Ḥadīth and the Salaf As-Ṣālih (The Righteous Predecessors are the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the three generations of Muslims who came after them) ―then draw conclusions and formulate views.
We will be teaching these subjects in a format that will enable students to pass the IGCSE Islamic Studies exam (inshā’-Allāh). This is an IGCSE level course and therefore requires students to read around topics and not just rely on the two hours a week from the lessons. Having said that, Dr Umm Abdillāh Naheed will teach the students well (inshā’-Allāh), explain things thoroughly, interact with them, and answer their questions.
9. Previous knowledge
Previous knowledge of Islam is not a requirement to join this course (as stated by Edexcel in their syllabus). Please download and read the complete syllabus here.
10. Exam Entry
Candidates will be responsible for submitting entries for exams at the relevant exam centres locally or internationally. You should research whether you are able to reach an examination centre before enrolling on this course. Visit:
If you’re still interested in studying and taking the exam, then please read the Edexcel Islamic Studies Syllabus thoroughly as this course will require commitment.
11. Course fees
The fee will be £30 GBP per week per student (based on two hours of direct learning each week), to be paid 3 months in advance—discounts will be offered for those who pay a year in advance. You can pay by Debit Card from anywhere in the world.
You will need to send the 3-monthly payments at least 7 days before the first lesson for each 3-month period. You will be notified when the payment is due. Any delay in payment will result in denial of access to the classes.
You will not be reinstated into the class until the full monthly payment is received, even if this results in you missing some lessons.
Payments are taken every three months or once a year (as you prefer):
Three months covering 12 lessons: GB Pounds £360
For the whole year covering 40 lessons: GB Pounds £1150 (discount included)
You can also pay in US Dollars:
For 12 lessons (3 months): $457
For 40 lessons (12 months): $1460 (discount included)
See below for how to pay.
IMPORTANT: Please add the student’s name alongside your payment—that allows us to track the source of all payments. Email us a screenshot (or by WhatsApp) once you have made the payment as confirmation that it has been received from our side. Please remember that there are no refunds offered once you’ve enrolled and paid. So, make sure this course is for you! May Allah bless you.
Note: You can leave the course at any time you choose without penalty (or hard feelings) but let us know at least one week before the next payment is due. Once the fee is paid, no refund will be given, so it would be advisable to complete the lessons for that period.
If you are unwell, busy at work or on holiday, the fees will not be refunded, nor carried over into the next month or months. We will expect students to catch up on any missed work—and they are welcome to contact us via WhatsApp or email if they need any help.
You will not be charged during term or half-term holidays or for teacher absences. So, you only pay for the actual lessons.
Please remember throughout, this is IGCSE level, so students must take their studies seriously, it requires commitment.
Places are limited so early application is advised.
12. Online Classroom: How it Works
Live interactive online audio classes with a female tutor, Dr. Umm Abdillāh Naheed
See below for further details.
13. Application Form and Fee Payment
If you are interested please complete the form below:
📌 Fill in the Application (Agreement) Form:
After filling in the Application (Agreement) Form, follow the payment links below.
Follow this link for official linkedin information.
14. Methods of Secure Payment
Please pay straight after submitting the Application (Agreement) Form otherwise you will not be enrolled in the course.
GP Pounds: £360 for 3 months (12 lessons) or £1150 for the year (40 lessons).
US Dollars: $457 for 3 months (12 lessons) or $1460 for the year (40 lessons).
💷 If you have a UK BANK ACCOUNT, you can pay by bank transfer:
Account number: 68068972
Sort code: 04-29-09
➡️ Please add the student’s name and ‘IGCSE’ when paying (e.g.,Aisha Smith/IGCSE)
Please email us after you have made payment:
If you have any further questions, please Whatsapp us: