Shaykh Abu Khadeejah Journeys to Study with the Scholars

As for Shaykh Abu Khadeejah, although he too did not formally attend an Islamic university such as UIM in Madinah—mainly because of family commitments and because he had passed the strict age limit to make a valid application—this did not deter him from seeking knowledge by way of some visiting scholars and by visiting others in their lands, alongside the fact that he had also studied closely with Shaykh Abu Talhah in the early years. Furthermore, since he had already entered the arena of da‘wah, by the mid-1990s, Abu Khadeejah proceeded to acquaint himself with the works of some of the Major Salafi scholars of the era such as Imām ‘Abdul-‘Aziz Ibn Bāz, Al-‘Allāmah Ibn Uthaymeen, the great Hadeeth Scholar of Yemen, Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Hādi and the Imām of Hadeeth of the era, Shaykh Al-Albani (may Allah have mercy on him), all of whom were alive at that time but passed away towards the late 1990s and early 2000s.

During the same period (1997-) Shaykh Abu Khadeejah also made annual visits to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia—sometimes up to three times a year, to meet with the Scholars in person providing him with the opportunity to seek counsel from the likes of the esteemed Scholar, Shaykh Rabee’ Ibn Hādi Al-Madkhali on important issues pertaining to living as Muslim minorities in the West. He (and others) also established a strong connection with ‘Allāmah Shaykh ‘Ubayd Al-Jābiri from the great scholars of Madinah—in these gatherings Shaykh Abu Khadeejah completed again Usoolus-Sunnah of Imām Ahmad, Aslus-Sunnah of Imāms Abu Hātim and Zur’ah ar-Rāziyiyain, Usooluth-Thalāthah, Qawā’id Al-Arba’a, chapters from ‘Aqeedatus-Salaf of As-Sābooni, chapters from ‘Umdatul-Ahkām, chapters from Saheeh Al-Bukhāri, chapters from Buloogh al-Marām and so on.

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