SalafiPubs Revives Orthodox Islam in the West
Although the history of contemporary Salafism in the UK can be traced back to the late 1980s in one form or another, its emergence as a ‘revivalist sect’ was taken to new heights with the […]
Although the history of contemporary Salafism in the UK can be traced back to the late 1980s in one form or another, its emergence as a ‘revivalist sect’ was taken to new heights with the […]
Although the emergence of Salafism during the 1990s is mostly attributable to student activity in university Islamic societies across the UK,[1] it was not only upwardly mobile second-generation Muslim-heritage British South Asians who were attracted […]
By the time SalafiPubs (2005/2006) had translated and published about 40 books, Shaykh Abu Khadeejah also began translating classical Arabic texts to English which fellow teachers, Shaykh Abu Talhah Dawūd Burbank, and Shaykh Abu ‘Iyād […]
Although by 1997-98 SalafiPubs had published its first books, namely, the Creed of Imam al Bukhāri; Mountains of Knowledge; and Usoolus-Sunnah of Imam Ahmad, Salafiyyah in the UK was still in its infancy and its […]
In order to protect the Muslims in the UK and the West from the ideas of these extremist ideologues, Salafi du‘āt continued to place a heavy emphasis on giving regular da‘wah in places like Birmingham […]
SalafiPubs’s defenders also point out that the opus of the du‘āt to-date speaks for itself. As mentioned in a previous article,[1] it was Dr Abu ‘Iyād Amjad Rafiq’s [and Abu Talhah Dawūd Burbank’s] translations of […]
Through the years Shaykh Abu Khadeejah has received tazkiyāt (commendations) from Senior Salafi scholars in the Muslim lands such as Shaykh ‘Ubayd Al-Jābiri, Shaykh ‘Abdullāh al Ghudayān, Shaykh Hasan Ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhāb Al-Banna as well as […]
Over the years the success of Al-Maktabah As-Salafiyyah’s (Salafi Publications) grassroots da‘wah has made it a beacon for those in search of authentic Islam based upon the methodology of the Salaf (Pious Predecessors) in the […]
In time, Abu Talhah (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), Abu Khadeejah, Abu ‘Iyād and Abu Hakeem and others would become among some of the most influential members of the Salafi Da‘wah scene in the […]
By the end of 1995 and into 1996, a purification of the Salafi Da‘wah (that followed the increasing study of books of early Creed) in the UK caused its adherents to distance themselves from political […]
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