Tragically, Abu Talhah Dawūd Burbank (may Allah have mercy on him) passed away with his wife whilst on their way to perform the Hajj pilgrimage in November of 2011. News of their sudden death whilst both were in a state of ihrām was received with shock and an outpouring of grief from Salafis globally. The wave of sadness which reverberated across the world with the tremendous loss of a man whom even the Scholars such as Shaykh Rabee’, Shaykh Muqbil (may Allah have mercy on him) and Shaykh ‘Ubayd (may Allah have mercy on him) loved and praised was evident from the eulogies written immediately by those who knew them personally, not to mention the outpouring of financial assistance offered to their eight children. Indeed, for those in the field of da‘wah such as Abu Khadeejah, Abu Hakeem, Abu Iyād, Hasan As-Somāli, Kashiff Khan, Anwar Wright, Abul-Hasan Mālik, Abu Junaide Yusuf Bowers, Abu Fudayl Abdur-Raqeeb, and the community served by Al-Maktabah As-Salafiyyah—all acknowledged that Abu Talhah Dawūd Burbank was ‘from the founders of the Maktabah and a pillar of its early success’.[3]
Umm Talhah (may Allah’s mercy be upon her) too is remembered as ‘a caring and careful mother—a joyful character who loved her children and cared immensely for the Sunnah and its implementation in the home’.[1] Their Janāzah was prayed at the Haram Masjid in Makkah after Fajr on 6th Dhul-Hijjah 1432H [Tuesday 1st November 2011],[2] and despite the sorrow felt by the Salafi community for such a tremendous loss to the da‘wah, the signs of them having met with a good end was a solace to all, as summed up Shaykh Abu ‘Iyād’s eulogy of them below:
May Allah the Exalted grant Abu Talhah and his wife mercy, forgiveness, and the loftiest place in Paradise … [they] were travelling to Hajj, were in ihrām, were making talbiyah, and were both caught up in fire, being killed by it. Their funeral prayer was in Haram of Makah, after Fajr prayer, with at least hundreds of thousands of people praying over them. What greater signs could there be of a good end than this?[3]
[1] Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank and his Wife have Died, 1st January, 2001. Source:
Source: SalafiTalk.net: p3.
[2] Ibid: p1.
[3] Ibid: p2.
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