‘Methodology of the Prophets’ Clarifies Salafism

It was also during this period that works authored by Shaykh Dr Rabīʿ Ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī, one of the senior scholars of the Salafi Daʿwah in this age, became instrumental as a clarification of true Salafism to those people, movements, groups and organisations that had been affected by the innovators.[1] One of the first books of clarification that Shaykh Rabīʿ wrote in response to the misguidance spawned by the daʿwah of the Ikhwānist reform was Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah, which Shaykh Abu Talhah Dawūd Burbank would soon translate into English (discussed below). Shaykh Rabīʿ, who was supported and commended by other senior scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamāʿah in the Islamic world and from the sacred city of Madinah, aimed his refutation at the neo-Qutubists of Saudi Arabia: the likes of Salman al-ʿAwdah and Safar al-Hawāli.[2]Both were known as Shaykhs who were propagating the political ideology of Sayyid Qutb among the youth, hailing him as an ‘Imām of Guidance’ on a par with other great revivers of Islam, such as Ibn ʿAbdul-Wahhāb and Ibn Taymiyyah.[3]

[1] Salafi Publications 2003.

[2] Bowen 2014:63.

[3] Salafi Publications 2003. 

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