A Symbol of Salafiyyah in the West

Shaykh Abu Talhah Dawūd Burbank (may Allah have mercy on him) was also the first person to translate into the English language the rudood (refutations) of some the great Salafi Scholars of the time, such as Shaykh Muqbil, Shaykh Al-Albāni, and Shaykh Rabee’ against the Jam’iyyah Ihyā Turāth al-Islamiyy. Certainly, Abu Talhah’s translations of Shaykh Al-Albani, Shaykh Ibn Bāz and Shaykh ‘Uthaymeen made clear the deceptions of political agitators who had resorted to using the vague statements of these Major Scholars devoid of context to confuse the masses for their own ends; in doing so he stemmed, almost cutting off their innovations not only in the UK, [1] but also other parts of the English-speaking world.

Abu Talhah Dawūd Burbank would go on to translate scores of other books from the Scholars including At-Tawassul of Shaykh Al-Albani, Methodology of the Prophets of Shaykh Rabee’ thereby clarifying the belief of Ahlus-Sunnah (The People of Sunnah) in opposition to the grave worshippers, Sufis[2] and others. Further, there is no doubt that because of Shaykh Abu Talhah’s (Allah’s mercy be upon him) dedication to translating the classical Arabic works of the Scholars of the past (and present) into the English language as well his own personal adherence to the Salafi da’wah he had ‘become a symbol and sign of Salafiyyah in the West’.[3]  Renowned amongst both his students, friends, and the Scholars, for his ‘shyness’, ‘humbleness’, and ‘excellent manners’, not to mention his generally quiet and private disposition, one of his close companions Shaykh Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid narrates that he did ‘not know of anyone in the West who was more meticulous in acting upon the Sunnah than Abu Talhah [who knew] the fine details of how the Messenger Muhammad walked, talked, ate, and behaved and would follow him in that precisely…he had the least concern for the world and its glitter’.[4]

[1] Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank and his Wife have Died, 1st January, 2001. Source:
Source: SalafiTalk.net.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid: p3.

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